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Kids Hoodies

RETRO REVIVAL - World Famous Brooklyn Giglio Feast Kids Hoodie
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Description: We stumbled upon the Holy Grail of Italian American vintage tees… an original 1970s souvenir tee from the world famous “Festa del Giglio”, celebrated every July in Williamsburg, Brooklyn! And now, with a few alterations, this RETRO REVIVAL design can take you back to the Feast of the Giglio every time you wear it!

Tags: brooklyn, brooklyn italian, giglio brooklyn, giglio feast, italian
The Original "Italian American Podcast" Kids Hoodie
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Description: The signature brand for the first and finest podcast for Italian Americans... delivering history, discussion, and connection with smarts, heart, and a lot of laughs! Wear your Italian American pride and show the world you're listening to the original Italian American Podcast!

Tags: italia, italian american, italian culture, italian flag, italian pride

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